Free Transition Service, Presented Patriotically

May 24, 2018

Public Information Officer


Armed Forces River Parade spectators and participants enjoyed a San Antonio Riverwalk Association tribute on May 19 to all things that help make Military City USA a better Military City USA, from values, recruiting and service to discharge, transition, community support and jobs.

One exciting new transition-related highlight making its Armed Forces River Parade debut to spectator cheers for a good cause was the celebration of no-cost services to veterans and families through the St. Philip's College Good Samaritan Veterans Outreach and Transition Center (GSVOTC) located at 202 Connelly St. in the city’s Denver Heights neighborhood. The center is an innovative interagency public intake site where any veteran in Military City USA can come for assistance in higher education, training and assistance programs beyond the bevy offered for veterans who are students enrolled within the Alamo Colleges District. Continuity of commitment to all veterans through the center and interagency team is facilitated, as the center is a City of San Antonio-owned facility currently in a 25-year lease with Alamo Colleges District (2011-2036) to provide the personalized services and referrals to all of Military City USA's active duty, national guard, reserve, retired veterans, their families and the community through partnerships with independent service providers.

Widely considered a unique best practice partnership for a municipality and a postsecondary institution, the free center service that includes such partners as Armed Forces Services Corporation, Goodwill Industries of San Antonio, Grace After Fire, U.S. Veterans Administration, and U.S. Small Business Administration was cheered by spectators during the passage of their ceremonial barge---Texas Heroes FLOAT 13 featuring St. Philip's College---one of the association’s 25 patriotically-themed floats on the 2.5 mile parade route that included the Arneson River Theatre at La Villita.

More importantly, parade spectators took away critical knowledge beyond the pageantry, that the center team asks no homage, merely the opportunity to serve selflessly and strategically in Military City USA without charge, explained Alison Joubert, one of the center members waving flags on Texas Heroes FLOAT 13 while representing the center in her capacity as the college’s onsite coordinator at Joint Base San Antonio Fort Sam Houston.

“I was honored to have been afforded the opportunity, for representing our center’s resources and waving miniature flags from the barge for the duration of the San Antonio Riverwalk Association’s Armed Forces River Parade was a priceless experience,” said Joubert. “San Antonio has been dubbed ‘Military City USA.’ It is a very patriotic city, one that recognizes all that is symbolized in the American flag. So much blood, sweat and tears has gone into keeping that flag standing, that it is emotional at times,” Joubert said of her patriotic civic experience on Texas Heroes FLOAT 13.

For details on the St. Philip's College Good Samaritan Veterans Outreach and Transition Center experience, contact the center through the web page, the email address, or phone number, 210-486-2185.

About the San Antonio Riverwalk Association: The San Antonio Riverwalk Association serves as an advocate, facilitator and moderator among the business, civic and governmental communities on matters concerning the River Walk. The mission of the association is to promote, preserve, and protect the San Antonio River Walk. The association is nonprofit, governed by a board of directors and supported and managed on a day-to-day basis by an executive director and six staff members. Board members represent the over 150 hotels, restaurants, attractions, and retailers, who are members. For details, contact the association at 210-227-4262.